Royal Australian Mint

Visit the building where every single coin in the country is made, learn about the production process and browse through a huge collection of coins. Take the free tour of the mint to see where dozens of specialist staff and robots work to create an enormous number of coins each day. The mint has made over 15 billion coins in its history and can produce up to 2 million in a single day. Head to the theatre to see a short film about the coin production process or look out over the factory from the viewing galleries. You’ll get a glimpse of one of the world’s most powerful industrial robots, the Titan, and see how a piece of metal is transformed into currency.

Mint your own $1 coin at the visitor press before you explore the National Coin Collection. The collection has some of the first coins to arrive in Australia and old “holey” dollars from the early 19th century. You’ll also find versions of Australian coins from throughout the country’s history, as well as forgeries and special editions.